Archive | June, 2016

Whole Roasted Trout

30 Jun

whole trout whole trout2

So I love eating fish but my repertoire for cooking it is admittedly short. There’s the miso baked salmon, there’s make-shift shrimp scampi (quickly cooked on a cast iron and tossed in lemon, butter & garlic) and… we’ll that’s pretty much it. But now we have one more to add to the books. The lady selling fish at the farmer’s market convinced me to buy a whole trout. It has its head on but was already totally cleaned and filleted inside (I’m sure you could also ask the fish store people to do this for you or maybe another time will attempt myself and report back).

This “recipe” is mostly just following the fish-lady’s instructions plus cooking times borrowed from this Saveur recipe.

Preheat 450. Take whole trout. Unfold (as pictured). Add salt, pepper, lemon slices and whatever herbs you like/have on hand in the cavity. [I am currently attempted to grow (read: keep alive) tarragon, basil and sage on my fire escape, so used some of all three.] Fold back together. Take two pieces of kitchen twine, wrap around fish and tie- spacing 2 inches apart. Take a tablespoon of olive oil, rub and both sides of the fish. Place on foil or parchment paper on baking sheet. Cook for 15 minutes, flipping halfway through. [Saveur says until golden brown – mine got a little- but not too too golden.] Cut strings, unfold and enjoy!

Thinking this could work well on a grill too…